
Icom Coil Tether & Carabiner Clip for Handheld Two Way Radios


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Product Overview

Icom Coil Tether & Carabiner Clip for Handheld Two Way Radios

Icom’s heavy-duty coil tether with a carabiner clip that provides a secure and convenient way to carry Icom handheld two-way radios. Whether used for business, hobbies, on land, at sea, or in the air, this tether will keep any Icom handheld within easy reach, while ensuring it stays safe and secure.

Durable Construction:
Made from high-quality materials to withstand demanding environments.
Secure Attachment:
Carabiner clip for a strong and reliable connection to your belt, backpack, or other gear.
Convenient Access:
Coil design allows for easy extension and retraction, keeping your radio readily available.
Reduced Risk of Loss:
Prevents accidental drops or misplacement of your radio.
Increased Safety:
Keeps your radio close at hand for critical communication needs.

• Harbour, Marina & Boatyard personnel
• Construction workers
• Security personnel
• Hikers and campers
• Boaters and sailors
• Aviation ground staff personnel
• All hand portable users

icom coil tether with handheld vhf